Solar Cooking Course

Yumani Village on Isla del SolBruce realized a dream of his in early 1999 when he went to the famous Island of the Sun located in Lake Titicaca to teach solar cooking. Lake Titicaca on the border of Bolivia and Peru is the world's highest navigable lake at 12,507 feet stretching 125 miles in length and up to 69 miles wide.

Gathering Wood

Island of the Sun and its neighbor, Island of the Moon, are the legendary birth places of the Incas. Today some 4,000 people live on the island, which has few modern comforts. There is little fuel for cooking fires but, living up to its name, sunlight is abundant making it an ideal location for solar cooking.

Isla del Sol Cooking ClassLike all of Bruce's solar cooking classes the participants first learned how to build the cookers and then how to cook with them.

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Greatest Places Online �1999 Science Museum of Minnesota