Sunday, October 15, 1997 |
Tim spent so many weekends driving around Los Angeles looking for mirages with me that he became pretty good at finding mirages, too. And he spotted them places I would never have thought to look. Here's Tim's report on a wall mirage he saw in our neighborhood: |
Here's Tim's sketch of what the wall mirage looked like. |
"I was out taking photographs one afternoon. It was a really beautiful, Los Angeles day: really bright, but nice and cool. I was walking along Melrose, a trendy shopping street, and as I passed a big building that was painted all black (it must have been the ugliest building on the block), I saw something I wanted to take a picture of. While taking the photo, I leaned against the building. It was very warm to the touch. When I put my head right next to the building, I could see a very narrow, wavering mirage right along the edge of the building. If I moved my head just a few inches, it disappeared." |
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