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QuickTime "sing-alongs" from the seven film locations
Greenland Songs

Nunaga-aa nunarsuup avannaani
(My Homeland in the High North)

By Augo Lynge
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Lyrics scan
English Translation:
1. My Homeland in the high North my belved birthplace, this night I will remember you like I always do.

2. When the light fades at night I gaze towards the North,
for when the world is shrouded in silence I want to turn to you.

3. I often sigh and say: Yes, that is where I live. And ask myself within: When will I return, I wonder?

4. It is as if a bond has tied me to you--to you the Creator has bound me- at birth.

5. In you I find my beloved my siblings and my friends. My mother, father, my family, my beloved and my fellows.

6. Then I kneel to the floor turning towards you, my beloved, and gratefully I wish for you my beloved birthplace.

7. I wish for you the rays of the sin will illumine your vast land. and its rays and heat may cleanse all your obstacles.

8. For who will ever forget you, my beloved birthplace? Not even for a single night can I fail to sleep not having you in mind.

Lyrics scan
Complete Greenlandic lyrics:

1.Nunaga-aa nunarsuup avannaani asasara inuuffigisara, eqqaaniarpagit unnummi maani soorllluu nungullugit pisartunga.

2. Unnukkut qaamaneq nunguleraangat avanamut isigisarpunga, silarsuarmi nipangersaraangat ilinnut taava saanniarpunga.

3. Anersaamillunga oqararaanga: Aap, taavani najugaqarpunga. Qamuunalu aperilersaraanga: Qaqugumi utissanerpunga?

4. Ilinnut massa ata qilerummik qilersugaasutummi ippunga, ilinnut--pinngortitsisup uannik--inuugama qilersiimammanga.

5. Ilinni ipput massa asasakka, qatanngutit ikinngutikkalu. Anaanga, ataataga, ilakka, asasara nunaqqatikkalu.

6.Natermut taava seeqqummertanaanga tunginnit saallunga, asasara, kissaallutillu qujangaararaanga, asasara inuuffigisara.

7. Kissaappagit seqernup qinnguaasa nuuiffigissagaat nunarsuit. Qaamarngata kissarngata tamaasa salissagaat akornutissatit.

8. Kiami illit puigussavaatit, asasara inuuffigisara? Unnuk ataaerluunniit sapeqaakkit eqqaanatit sinilissallunga.

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