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QuickTime "sing-alongs" from the seven film locations
Greenland Songs

Nuilersup qilaap seqinersuata

(the Sky of the Dawning Sun)

By Hans Lynge
(1906- 1988)
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Lyrics scan English Translation:
1. When the glorious sky of the dawning sun awalens the tiny birds it calls; Hasten your little wings and soar.

2. Thus the little bird smooths and trims its wings filling the air, praising the day
reaching the unapproachable sky up there and fades away.

3. When you looked directly into my eyes my beloved it opened mine to a shining
heart and I look at you, loving you my dear sun.

4. Advancing towards my goal in such heat when pulling the oars with aching arms
you help me float my little wind.

5. When winter kills the flowers clad in their beautiful dress, no matter! Around me blooms yet other ones in your cheeks, even in your hair my beloved summer.

6. Let me gratefully embrace you for loving me tightly my beloved whom I call: my dear sun, my little wind my beloved summer.

Lyrics scan
Complete Greenlandic lyrics:

1.Nuilersup qilaap seqinersuata akisunnerata uisikkunigit timmiaarannguit ima torlortarai: Sululinnguuvutit qaa, qangattarsarit.

2. Timmiaarannguaq sulugissartaraaq naleritsattaraaq sila nippallugu ulloq nersorlugu qilak panna inornartoq qallillugu kiisa aanngartaraaq.

3. Qiviarnerpit taamani toqqarlunga asasannguara uisippaanga uummammut qinngortutut isigaakkillu illit asaammersutut seqininnguara.

4. Angusassara orninniartillugu kiangaartillugu iputit amugukkit taliiarlunga ikiorparma tissialersillunga anoraannguara.

5. Ukiup toqutippagit naasunnguit assuartunnguit soormi! Eqqanni sikkerput allat nutaat uluanni isinni nujanni ilaat aasannguara.

6. Asagamma qujallunga pakkullagit iperassanatit asasannguara ima taaguara: Seqininnguara anoraannguara assannguara.

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