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Conservation in Madagascar
From Air Madagascar, this page presents current plant and wildlife preservation efforts on this island that houses more biodiversity than any other island in the world.
NPR Audio about Madagascar Issues
Listen to RADIO EXPEDITIONS� audio about the the impact that human activity is having on the lemurs of Madagascar.
Alison Jolly
On this page a primatologist at Princeton University who's been studying
lemurs for 35 years presents her observations and includes a list of
other publications where her writings on Madagascar appear.
Patricia Wright
Read about Dr. Patricia Wright's research on Madagascar's Lemur Families
A site containing diverse information about "The Rainbow Island," Madagascar, including history, music, and more.
Duke University's Primate Center
Adopt a lemur! This large site has information about Madagascar and its most popular primates. It includes electronic postcards, a gift shop, a name-the-baby lemur contest, and a Kid's Zone!
Short History of Madagascar
Another page from Air Madagascar, this provides a concise history of the island, from prehistory to the present.
Statistics & Facts
The United States Central Intelligence Agency's fact book information about Madagascar.
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Greatest Places Online
�1999 Science Museum of Minnesota