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QuickTime "sing-alongs" from the seven film locations
Greenland Songs

Nunarput, utoqqarsuanngoravit
(Our Country, Who's Become So Old)

By Jonathan Petersen (1881-1961)
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Lyrics scan English Translation:
1. Our country, who's become so old your head all covered with white hair. Always held us, your children, in your bosom providing the riches of your coasts.

2. As middle children in the family we blossomed here Kalaallit, we want to call ourselves before your proud and honourable head.

3. With a burning desire to develop what you have to give, renewing, removing
your obstacles our desire to move is forward, forward.

4. The way of matured societies is our zealous goal to attain; the effect of speech and letters we long to behold.

5. Humbleness is not the course Kalaallit wake up and be proud! A dignified life is our goal; couragously take a stand.

Lyrics scan
Complete Greenlandic lyrics
1. Nunarput, utoqqarsuanngoravit niaqqut ulissimavoqq qiinik. Qitornatit kissumiaannarpatit tunillugit sineriavit piinik.

2. Akullequtaastut merletutut ilinni perotugut tamaani kalaallinik imminik taajumavugut niaqquit ataqqinartup saani.

3. Atortillugillu tamaasa pisit ingerlaniarusuleqaagut, nutarterlugillu noqitsigisatit siumut, siumut piumaqaagut.

4. Inersimalersut ingerlanerat tungaalitsiterusuleqaarput, oqaatsit "aviisit" qanoq kingunerat atussasoq erinigileqaarput.

5. Taqilluni naami atunngiveqaaq, kalaallit siumut makigitsi. Inuttut inuuneq pigiuminaqaaq, saperasi isumaqaleritsi.

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