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QuickTime "sing-alongs" from the seven film locations
Greenland Songs

(Poor Little Kaassassuk They Say)

By Peter Olsen
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English Translation:
1. Long ago--they say, poor little Kaassassuk, an adopted son, he was a sorry orphan boy--they say grow he would not, nay "Rocks alone would not sprout"
--even orphans can advance--"hopefully" thought his friends.

2. But Kaassassuk grew not even an inch, not even worth waste, "not the way of
men"--exclaimed the old fat hag--even orphans can advance--"Rocks alone will not
sprout; "I will take him!"

3. Kaassassuk so often heard of strong and able men, so envious of their luck,
maltreated no more--he exclaimed! And up towards the hills he screamed :
"Come forth, you, lord of power! Not long--and lo, he came.

4. Right before the fall kayakers on patrol came across this heavy log. Who could
bring up what ten men had failed to move! The dead of night an orphan in frenzy
down at the shore pulled up this log for sure!

5. Then winter came about "Three bears: a shout was heard fled up the slopes was
heard fled up the slopes of ice, beyond the reach or men. But from the shore advanced, who runs such a pace?--Kamiks so large, such haste!

6. Not even growling bears could make him feel the fear, to walls of ice he threw
and killed all the three.--As strong as bears would be, like Dave the shepherd so
small but strong like Thee!

7. Kaassassuk once home the most loved of beloved, still the tales proclaim
exemplary, courageous.--small folk they are mysterious, even orphans will advance,--little ones they are so unpredictable!

Complete Greenlandic lyrics:

1. Kaassassorujuunguarooq qanga ernersiaalerujoq, iliarsorujunnguarooq allineq
ajuliinnarujoq. "Ujaraanngitsoq allisarpoq",--iliarsuusoq qaqisarpoq--asasii neriuummersaraat.

2. Kaassassuk nikiiminngilaq, igitassannguinnarujoq,"angutaaluk imaassanngilaq"--
arnaquusaq oqaannarujoq----iliarsuusoq qaqisarpoq--"ujaraanngitsoq allisarpoq"
"uanga tiguinnarlaraat!"

3. Kaassassuk tusarsimavoq: Nakuarsuaqartarporooq, usorutsalivissimavoq,
mittataajumajunnaarporooq! Pavungaannaq torulalerpaa: "Aggerit, pissaap inukassaa!"
Mulungaanngilaq aggeqqussa.

4. Qaannat ukiassaleraa oqimaaqisumik qisseqaat, kia tassa qaqissaneraa.
Angutit qulit artorujaat! Unnuaannaq sissamuinnaq iliarsuk arpasukaannaq
qisungaallorujak amoqaa.

5. Kiisa ukiuulermigaa "Pingajoqqat" suaarutigaat, quasammat qaqiffigisaat,
angutit sapiliinnarujaat. Nunaminngaanniilli sunaaffa oqilaqqinnaartoq kinaana?
--Kamikinnani aallararaaq!

6. Nannut qatimaalequsut qunugiffissaqartinngilai. Ilulissap sinarsuanut toqusartualaaginnaqai.--
Nanuinnarnut nalitaarpoq savanik Daavi paarsisuusoq mikisooraqatit nakuaq!

7. Kaassassuk angerlarami asanartut pingaarnersaraat, sulili oqaluttuani maligassat sapiinnersaraat.--
Mikisut aamma pasinarput iliarsuusut qaqisarput,--mikisut nalunartut--uku!

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